Why We Are Here
In Galatians 2, Paul went to Jerusalem to talk to the leaders there. He left that meeting, not really learning anything new. It only confirmed what he knew God was moving him to do already, which was to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. There was another confirmation for Paul, too. He states, “ All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.”
We are dedicated to preaching the gospel and those who believe are taught to turn around and continue preaching the gospel. In a developing country like Cambodia, we are also very concerned about the poor. We, too, are eager to prioritize meeting the needs of the poor.
Greg and Jane Drebes
Our Mission: To provide safe communities and loving discipleship to break the cycle of poverty and sex trafficking among the poor of Cambodia.
Greg and Jane Drebes, who started Refuge for the Poor, have served as missionaries in Cambodia since 2006. In that time, they have:
Built and run a University student dormitory
Raised up pastors and planted a church
Created two factory worker housing locations (connected with one of the churches) providing low-income rental rooms for the poor
Bought and reconstructed a building called A MOTHER’S HOME for single factory worker mothers and their children
Created a sponsorship program that currently meets the education and physical needs of approximately 60 children
Built and run a REFUGE CENTER for poor and vulnerable children, teens, and young adults.
Greg and Jane’s love and compassion in the name of Jesus has helped to open many Cambodian hearts to hear the good news and become followers of Jesus. Their discipleship strategy is life-on-life with a constant reminder to these new followers of Jesus to pass on what they have learned to others. The beautiful, caring community that grows from these leaders and their disciples truly reminds one of the early church!